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Thank you

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

This morning I wake up to find I have one leg like an elephant's! Of course it doesn't hurt because I can't feel a thing. It doesn't look at all nice. How am I going to get my boots on now? It's lymphodema so I've got a specialist coming tomorrow to have a look. It's also been "B" day today. The district nurses have worn me out with their new bowel (and bisacodyl) evacuation regime! Enough said. It just takes a long time! I have been out on Ian - with Sophie on her bike, Sam on his scooter and my mum and Jane walking Evie along. Giles' role was to check I didn't crash, but he was also trying to make me go at full throttle!


Melissa said...

Hope you are still ok for a visit in the morning!

Marianne said...

Was lovely to chat earlier, hope you get some rest now the district nurses are done with you!!

I love the fact that Giles wanted you to drive fast!

lots of love
Marianne xxxx

Karen Watt said...

I can just see you all now having races around the estate!
Would like to phone you but with the time difference I'm restricted to mornings which I know is a bad time for you.
Thinking of you & always wishing you well.
Love, Karen

Pat Wordley said...

Dear Katie

You never cease to amaze me. In both what you maange to achieve and how you cope with whatever new hurdle is thrown at you!
Thinking of you.
Love to you all.


Kate Hulme said...

Wow, Ian sounds like a bit of a goer! So nice of your friends to bring him up for you.
Sorry to have missed the Sandwich Street reunion - sounds like you had a lovely time.
Kate x

Anonymous said...

Busy as ever Katie. Loved the bit about the family outing on wheels! Tell those district nurses to speed up so they don't take up so much of you tie and energy. Do hope the leg problem gets sorted soon. My ugg boots have knitted legs with buttons down the side that say BearPaw - a possibility? Love to you cheery Katie as ever! Pam and Gary

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie

You remain so brave with all the extra difficulties that crop up and you have to contend with.

By the way , take no nonsense from Giles when you are driving Ian,at the end of the day women are far
better drivers than men and all of us women know that!!!

Love Andrea

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you....with your lovely blonde locks and all the family around you. The family outing must have made for a lovely site in Jasmine drive. Hope the spring in the air is lifting your spirits, and that despite hurdles you continue to play music, go on outings, see your friends, keep smiling...

Bronagh xxx

Melissa said...

hi katie

it was great to see you this morning and I cant get over how bright and well you seemed. I wish I was like you when I was lacking in enegery!

Anyway, looking forward to our next catch up and promise to keep you up to date with fun things!

Mel x

Anonymous said...

AMAZING!!!! is the only word to explain you. We're all thinking of you at Hanbury and keep thinking positive thoughts. Have fun on Ian, bet you'll be out there With the Go Karts at the weekend!!!

Take care Katie,

Lots of love Terri xxx