If you want to send any photos from the party please send them to:
Thank you

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

I wore “the coat” today and had around ten comments from people that knew it was “the coat” – all in one morning! My point being that it felt so lovely to know that people follow this blog. Everyone’s comments have (and continue to) lift my/ our morale so much.
Giles returns to work at the beginning of November – so we’ll all have to adjust to the change. The children and I will greatly miss his daily presence. The surgery has been so wonderfully supportive of his 3 months leave.
I do my first bit for melanoma research on 20th November. (They can test me/ learn from me as much as they like so long as I get to beat the melanoma!) In the meantime we’ll make the most of life - because I really feel like living - and while doing so make as many happy memories as we can!


Anonymous said...


I missed the coat (only work here on Thursdays so wasn't here yesterday). It looks great on the piccy but I bet it looks better with you in it. Can you post such a photo??

Hope to see you soon.



Anonymous said...

Hi Katie
once Giles is back at work, sarah and I would love to pop up and say hi. Let us know when you are free - then we can see that lovely coat in person!
Nicky, Max and Aurelia xxx