If you want to send any photos from the party please send them to:
Thank you

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Katie is slightly brighter today but still not well enough to come home. The consultant wants her to stay another night for more fluid. The care at the QE2 has been very good - apart from the first 6 hour infusion taking 12 hours! For those of you who know about NHS commissioning - thats how the hospitals keep charging for an extra nights bed stay! She has a bed by the window so she at least she can look out and watch the lovely half-term weather that she is missing! Sophie, Sam and Evie came to visit quickly this afternoon, but Katie was struggling to keep her eyes open. She still feels nauseous (and has just needed another injection to help with that) and unable to drink enough to maintain her fluid level. However the plan is to still to try and get Katie out of hospital tomorrow and go to Manic Ceramics with the children for some messy fun.


Anonymous said...

Oh phew Katie! Please please come home and have some messy half term fun! Much love Pam and Gary

Anonymous said...

Oh dear Katie - sending you much love.
Hurry up and come home.

Kathy xx

Ms Tickle said...

Hi Katie,

Here's hoping the weather outside your window is able to brighten you up. Maybe a bit of a rest is what you need - you exhaust me when I read what you have been up to each day!
Now, I never throught I would meet a fellow fan of cheese on toast with tomato puree underneath, so mow I feel we have bonded even though we've never met.
I have no shared memories with you but cant help thinking that Katrina and the Waves 'walking on sunshine' might suit a party in honour of you.

pat said...

Dear Katie.
Hoping you are home soon with your lovely family. Thinking of you always and praying for you. hope you get some messy fun.
Much love Pat xx

Anonymous said...

thinking of you and sending love, you are so amazing, all of you xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie and Giles

I do hope katie makes it home tomorrow as planned so that you can all partake in some very messy fun at manic ceramics!

Love Andrea

Anonymous said...

Just to say we are thinking of you Giles, and of course Katie. I hope you both can get a decent night's sleep and have enough energy and strength to get Katie out of hospital tomorrow. You are both truely amazing. Love Hollie and the clan xxxxxxx

Laura Layton said...

Dear Katie,
I hope you dont have to stay in hospital for too long, though take the oppertunity to rest as you will benefit and hopefully have a fantastic weekend.
I hope and pray that you do
Much love to you all xxxxx

Celia said...

Thinking of you all. Keep going. Team Pratt is amazing. Enjoy a messy time tomorrow. Love from Celia

Nicola Keeling said...

Dear Katie,
Hope you get what you need in the QE2 and make it home tomorrow. So brave x I'm planning on coming to your party with Jo Knoweles on 7th March... Lots of love, Nicola Keeling x PS song offering for your party - When the Going Gets Tough (the Tough get going) by Billy Ocean!!!! xxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a comfortable night and that tomorrow sees you bright again and ready for my family fun
Love Bronagh xxxx

Jill Murray said...

I don't know, some people would do anything to get out of a game of pictionary! BB, an italian take-out would be much easier at Jasmin Drive than the QE2, but if that's what it takes then that's what the girls will do. We sooooo love you gorgeous girl. Get some serious rest, because you have got a good few weeks of serious fun and frolics to look forward to. Nick has made some copies of the BB book for the gang, will give you the surplus copies. Have been listening to the BB collection all night. "She's so lovely" being my favourite. Sleep well and sup up those fluids! Jx

Marianne said...

Oh Katie I missed your blog last night and didn't realise you'd gone into hospital. I'm so sorry to hear that. But it sounds like they are taking good care of you and that hopefully it is what you need to get you going again. Love the plan for tomorrow - knowing you, I'm sure you'll get out of hospital for that!
lots of love
Marianne xxxx

Rebecca said...

Katie - so sorry to hear that you've been feeling so nauseous, but I do hope that the fluids are helping you regain some strength - I bet you are so determined to get out tomorrow, that you will manage it!
Much love, Rebecca xxxx

Karen Watt said...

We give patients 7.5-15mg mirtazepine at night which has four actions. Improves appetite, relieves nausea, improves mood and aids sleep (you may not need this last action but drowsiness attenuates after a couple of days and brings quality sleep). Other effective drug for nausea is haloperidol 0.5mg BD.
Much love, Karen

Anonymous said...

Lot of love and prayers for katie and family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Katie - fingers crossed you are home today and heading for loads of Messy Fun!
Giles do hope you had a good nights sleep too and Evie did not wake you too early!!
much love

Clare Ian and Family xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie,
Always thinking of you and your family. Make sure you get all those fluids down you and I pray that you will be out of hospital tomorrow. Mrs Caroline Spires

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie

Hope you are feeling a lot better this morning and can get home for some messy fun!!

Sending lots of love & Prayers

The Greenfields!

Jo Paxton said...

Hi Katie, I hope that you are feeling a bit better today, and that you are being well looked after. At least the QE2 is a bit closer than the Marsden for the family visiting - although we all hope you will be home soon.
You will be missed at Jan's tonight, but very much in all of our thoughts.
Much love from Jo, Brian, Kieran and Ewan xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie
I have not met you before but have worked with Giles at the Out of Hours at Hertford. Have been following your blog and am amazed at you courage and determination. Hope this current set back is soon over and you can get home.
Love to you all
Sue Collins x

Anonymous said...

Sending you all our love for a speedy recovery from this latest hurdle - enjoy the rest if you can,

lots of love
Nicky Max and Aurelia xxx

Christel Ainge said...

Dear Katie,
As I write this message, I hope you're at Manic Ceramics covered in paint and producing another work of art.
Take it easy,
Hope to see you soon,

reena said...

hi katie, hope the hospital have let you out and you managed to enjoy the last day of half term withy uor kiddies. thinking of you and your family, as always. reena xx