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Sunday, 3 January 2010

No change in symptoms today. But Katie was feeling a bit down this evening. I guess its the fear of what is ahead, the doctors round tomorrow, the chemotherapy, the thought that the pain might get worse again. She asks you all to pray that the chemo works.


Andy & Caroline Reeves said...

Giles & Katie
You are all very much in our prayers,
With love, Andy & Caroline

Anonymous said...

I've just caught up on the most recent posts. Giles - please let Katie know I am thinking of her and that she is in my prayers. I don't know what else to write but didn't want to read and run without a comment.
Mandi (melissa's mum)

Anonymous said...

Katie you never cease to amaze us with your courage- well done for managing Mama Mia and so glad it was worth the effort-hope you have managed some rest last night.
We are thinking of you all so much.
with much love Clare Ian & Familyxxx

annie said...

Dear Katie and Giles

You and the children are very much in my prayers. I hope that the radio and chemo will ease your pain..
I really glad you escaped to see Mamma Mia.
Katie you are amazing and together you are so strong.
Much love annie x x x

Anonymous said...

Hi Giles, Please give Katie our love. She is constantly in our thoughts and prayers. All our love Neil, Amanda & Cameron xxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Katie

I will pray that the chemo works for you and that the treatments take away the pain.

Thinking about you all.


Anonymous said...

sending you all our fondest love and prayers for whatever lies ahead - a million crossed fingers that the chemo does its job properly - I wish I could do more

lots of love

Nicky, Aurelia and Max xxx

Poppy'sMama said...

Dear Katie (and Giles & Co)
We hope that things are better this morning.
We are thinking of you often and know that you are in the right hands... experts and whatnot. Of course, that doesn't stop us praying for just a little bit of extra luck... just for you :))
Wishing you lots of strength, love and bloodymindedness at this trying time... roll on the G&T's!!
Love always, A & S xxx

Jen Tickle said...

Well, you probably think I'm a bit bonkers especially as we have never met, but the cool clear frosty air of the Pirin Mountains has had your name echoing through it and the positive and cleansing vibes have been echoing through the ether not jusy to you, Katie, but to your family as well. As a Mum to two little boys your whole family must make you very proud. Stay with it and fingers crossed that the chemo helps.

Anonymous said...

Dear Giles and Katie,
You are in my thoughts and in my prayers.